Nikir and Rohan Group of companies are premier organisation of purely Indian origin working towards promoting Homoeopathy and Herbal formulations amongst masses and providing them with complete benefits of this promising science. We conglomerate successfully managing various divisions under strict supervision of Dr.Rajesh Shah M.D.(Hom.) MBA.
Nikir Laboratories(India) manufactures quality homoeopathic products Nikir Health Care Pvt.Ltd. looking after International Marketing.
Rohan Herbals manufacturer of quality Herbal Medicines.
Nikir Homoeo Times- Gujarat first Homoeo Health monthly news paper giving excellent latest medical information Methodology Clinical Cases Upcoming events Collage news and Health articles by renounce Doctors.
Nikir Homoeo Store is our retail counter. Nikir Clinic established in 1986 blessed by more than approx. 1.5 Million patients till now.
Nikir Laboratories(India) (G.M.P. compliant) and Rohan Herbals are offering highly effective medicines since 1992. Today we manufacture wide range of medicines such as Mother Tincture Dilutions Biochemics Veterinary Patents Cosmetics and Herbal quality Preparations.
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Vadodara, Gujarat